Weight loss tracker!

Monday, September 9, 2013


I've been doing a lot of research lately to determine my best course of action for the future of my weight loss road. I have found out that there are a lot of people that have had complications from the Lap Band, so my wife and I are not alone. Did I mention she had complications and had to have hers removed last winter?

I don't really know the answer for me. Do I get the band re-buckled, get it removed and get the vertical sleeve, or do I go all the way for a gastric bypass?  I just don't know. I do know, that I'm not excited to deal with future complications from the Lap Band. I also know there are risks and complications with any bariatric surgery.

By the way, my pre-surgery weight in March of 2010 was 350, the lowest post surgery weight was 250 and now I'm back to 275.  I am scared that I won't every get this under control. 

Doing more research and praying for guidance.

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